miwai 2009

The 3rd Mahasarakham International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence
Mahasarakham University, December 10-11 2009
Invited Speakers
Important Dates
Call for Papers
Submission and Publication
Travel and Accomodation

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Submission Requirements

Submissions of the following two categories are invited:

Papers presenting new original work. Submitted papers should not exceed a length of 12 pages in the IEEE format style (templates here: .tex, .doc). Regular papers will be reviewed on overall quality and relevance. Reviewing of category A papers will be double-blind. In order to make blind reviewing possible, the authors should follow that:

  1. The authors' names and institutions should not appear in the paper.
  2. Unpublished work of the authors should not be cited.
  3. Using "we" or "us" in reviews of literature should be avoided, e.g., "In [1] we have proposed..." should be changed to "In [1] the authors have proposed...".

All accepted papers will be fully published in the proceedings.


Papers that have recently been accepted for AI-related refereed conferences (e.g., IJCAI 2009 or AI 2009 or PRIMA 2009) or journals can be resubmitted and will be accepted as “compressed contributions”. Authors are invited to submit the published version (without page or format restriction). Note the above double-blind instructions apply only to category A papers, not to category B. The abstract of the paper will be published in the proceedings. Every author may submit at most one B-paper of which they are the corresponding author, and only if they do not submit any A-paper as corresponding author.

The workshop proceedings will be published with ISBN number

At least one author of each accepted paper (in both submission categories) is required to attend the workshop.

Language Requirements
As MIWAI is an international workshop, its official language is English. This means all submitting authors must submit an English language version of their paper, as well as present their paper in English if accepted for the workshop. To all our friends in the Thai AI community, this is the perfect opportunity to practice your English writing skills and, in so doing, make the wider international AI community aware of the exciting work you are doing! Do not be afraid of the English barrier. We will do our best to help you get through it.

Submission Instructions
Submission will be handled via EasyChair. Please send an electronic pdf copy via the submission page. (If you do not already have one, you will be first asked to register an EasyChair account on this submission page.) Be sure to tick the box stating clearly to which of the 2 submission categories your submission belongs. Submission deadline is October 25, 2009.