miwai 2009

The 3rd Mahasarakham International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence
Mahasarakham University, December 10-11 2009
Invited Speakers
Important Dates
Call for Papers
Submission and Publication
Travel and Accomodation

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Invited Speakers

1. Patrick Doherty (Linkoping University, Sweden)

Patrick Doherty

Unmanned Aircraft Systems: A Future Technology

Due to technological advances and increasing investment, interest in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) as a practical, deployable technological component in many civil applications is rapidly increasing and becoming a reality, as are their capabilities and availability. UAS platforms also offer a unique experimental environment for developing, integrating and experimenting with many artificial intelligence technologies such as automated planners, knowledge representation systems, chronicle recognition systems, etc. In this talk I will describe some of the work being pursued at Linkoping University, Sweden in this area. Focus will be placed on integration of artificial intelligence technologies in such systems in the context of civil and commercial applications. A number of UAS systems developed and deployed by our research group for sophisticated experimental application scenarios will be demonstrated. Use of UASs as support platforms for emergency services organizations will be highlighted.


Patrick Doherty is a Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computer and Information Sciences (IDA), Linkoping University, Sweden. He heads the Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Computer Systems Division at IDA. He serves as director of LinkLab, a research center for future aviation systems, which is a collaborative endeavor between Linkoping University and Saab Aero Systems. He is an ECCAI fellow and currently an ECCAI board member. He has previously served as president of SAIS, the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society. He is also  an associate editor for the Artificial Intelligence Journal.  His main areas of interest are  knowledge representation, automated planning, intelligent autonomous systems and multi-agent systems. A major area of application is with Unmanned Aircraft Systems.  His research group has won several international competitions pertaining to micro-air vehicles and to automated planning. He has over a hundred refereed publications in his areas of expertise. He is also CEO of a new start-up company UAS Technologies Sweden which markets Micro-Aerial Vehicles (MAVs).

2. Ryohei Nakatsu (National University of Singapore)

Ryohei Nakatsu

Digital & Interactive Media and Their Future

We live surrounded by such media as PCs, mobile phones, and game machines. These media have changed and still are changing our society rapidly. Future media that would come after these media would be realized based on the integration of media technologies, AI, and art/design. As such media would have strong impacts to our life and to our society, especially research area closely related to human intelligence (AI) and human social & emotional behavior (art and social science) would become key issues. In my presentation, I will discuss the direction of the research and the research topics we have to pursue based on my experiences in the area of communications and AI.


Ryohei Nakatsu received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electronic engineering from Kyoto University in 1969, 1971 and 1982 respectively.  After joining NTT in 1971, he mainly worked on speech recognition technology.  In 1994, he joined ATR (Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute) as the president of ATR Media Integration & Communications Research Laboratories.  In 2002 he became a professor at School of Science and Technology, Kwansei Gakuin University.  Since March of 2008 he is a  professor at National University of Singapore (NUS) and a director of Interactive & Digital Media Institute (IDMI) at NUS. His research interests include interactive media, entertainment technologies and communication robot/agent.

In 1978, he received Young Engineer Award from the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Japan (IEICE-J).  In 1996, the best paper award from the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia.   In 1999, 2000 and 2001, Telecom System Award from Telecommunication System Foundation and the best paper award from Virtual Reality Society of Japan.  In 2000, the best paper award from Artificial Intelligence Society of Japan.

He is a fellow of the IEEE and the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Japan (IEICE-J).  He is a member of various academic societies such as IEEE, ACM, IEICE-J, the Acoustical Society of Japan, Information Processing Society of Japan, Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence., and so on.  Also he is a chair of IFIP Technical Committee on Entertainment Computing.